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(Please note: This message was first made available in 2008. So for the newer visitors, or those who don't already have it, check it out below.)


Whether you have any interest in politics or not, you will be plopped down right in the middle of where the action is. And you'll be playing with heavy-hitters. You will have to supress your more aggressive instincts. For the moment, at least, you've got to cope with the regime.

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Inside the animal there is a thinking human being- a seeker of knowledge and gatherer of wisdom. You’re going to be leaving the comfort and safety of your little world to explore territory you never dreamed that you would visit.

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Only when you’re actually living on the edge, do you come to understand that life is so damned short, you have to take every chance to live it totally, in spite of the danger.

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The most successful relationships depend on your ability to accept what turns you on and the kinds of attractions you can’t escape.

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When you are profoundly dedicated to becoming really good at something, it’s no longer just a job. At that point, you can work tirelessly. The same is true in your health practice. Devote yourself to it, and you will know well being.

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Developing your talent and showing your true emotions must be two goals now. At the same time you’re yearning to reach out, you’re still scared of rejection and unsure of your performance. Get out there and do your thing.

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No matter how close you are or once were to your family, circumstances change. But life will show you how powerful your roots really are and how much they are influencing your emotional life right now.

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You have a couple of strong personalities crowded into your head. If you can put them all together, you’ll have a much more whole and satisfying life.

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You don’t want it to be all about money, but frankly, enlightened self-interest is the key to your economic success in a time when competition is going to be ferocious.

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This is your change to have great power and use it wisely and see the results and rewards. Or you can abuse it, and see it come crashing down. You’re a lot stronger than you think you are.

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A message is coming from deep within your soul. You must not fret if you think your time has come and gone and success has eluded you. Whatever you do now has to have true meaning.

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Talk about a fish out of water. The weirdness of people around you is staggering. And they think YOU’RE weird. Follow your own path now, no matter where it leads.

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