No matter what is happening with the Stock Market, in the Middle East, or in D.C. you deserve to know how this planetary transit will affect you and the people in your life...


Imagine you’re having a lovely dream. Just when you're getting comfortable in that bizarre dimension, the alarm clock goes off. The telephone rings. Light peeks through your window. You squeeze your eyes shut, pull the covers over your head.

No matter how hard you try, eventually you get the joke. The dream is over.
That is exactly the vibration this year as Pluto moves into Capricorn, back into Sadge in June, and then, finally in November, into Capricorn for the next fifteen years.

Pluto rules magic.  Real magic.  Not Cinderella's Fairy Godmother or Hogwarts kind of magic.  But real magic: the kind that turns a wispy seed into a giant redwood tree, or a gleam in a couple's eye over a glass of champagne into a beautiful bouncing baby.  It can be scary, though, even devastating to those who resist inevitable no-turning back transformation. The blessings Pluto brings are often so well disguised that it takes several years after the transit to comprehend its impact, meaning and great purpose in your life.

Pluto comes along and Whammmo! Whatever you were doing you are not doing any more. At first you pretend it's not happening.  It's like a knock at the door you refuse to answer.  Eventually, however, Pluto plows through your reality, transforming your life. That's why it is always to your advantage to participate fully in all the changes that in time will spark tremendous growth in you mentally, emotionally and spiritually, wherever it happens to fall in your astrological chart.

It’s a reality check, a wake up call, all right, a message from the Universe asking you to get hip to exactly what you’re here for, and what you have to do if you want to do what you want to do. It’s the day job we’d love to escape, the diet we tell ourselves we’ll start tomorrow. Well, in 2008, tomorrow is today.

Adjusting to change is never easy, especially if it’s enforced, and it’s always a shock when you have to narrow your options, stick to responsibilities or accept a more centered, committed reality. Coming down to Earth always brings many long term rewards, but it takes disciplineto stay cool.

Maybe you’ve been able to speed by crisis after crisis by the skin of your teeth and come out of any trauma or threat completely unscathed. Is it denial? Well, sure, it’s denial, but where would we be without it? Where would we be if nobody defied the odds and believed what the shivering, fearful naysayers warned? If we cowered in terror at all the predictions of doomsday, would we dare to move forward?

There is, however, always a moment when the clock rings, just as we are at our coziest. No more cozy. Pluto's entrance into Capricorn wakes us u p to the pattern of attachment you never really seem to break, mainly because no matter how you fear the abandonment and pain that accompanies attachment, you cannot avoid the temptation of becoming attached–to a job, a person, your home, your income, your family or whatever else it is you chase after until you have it, then dread losing it (when you’re not wishing you could get rid of it.)

Because of the major shifts in relationships coming to everyone in the 2008, we have decided to dedicate our latest message to the source of all these changes: Pluto wobbling from Sagittarius and into Capricorn.

I wish you all the best luck in 2010 and beyond.


And here is how it will affect your Sun and Rising Sign for the next fifteen years...

You cannot knuckle under to the Regime without sneaking in a few slippery snorts of escape
and avoiding confrontations with the people. Very soon, however, you will have to decide whether you’re a fiery rebel or a ball-playing conservative. The regime is changing.


If you’ve obsessed over sexual performance and worried too long about your monthly nut, you are about to go on a more philosophical journey,, and your expansion of consciousness and international education are about to commence. Get ready to bone up and fly.


Tapping into artistry will mean dealing with dark thoughts, so stay positive and focused on being alive, youthful and creative, especially alive. Whether you are reaching puberty or menopause, sex could be the big obsession. And one other thing, don’t be afraid of the taxman.


For all the hype we hear about Cancers as clingy, needy little sucklings, you probably enjoy independence more. Now your whole orientation is changing drastically. Eventually you will realize that you are facing someone who can teach you what relationships are all about. Resistance is futile.


You are moving into whole new areas of work, health and mastery. At first the path will seem a lot less glamorous than the life you’ve dreamed of leading, but you’ll come to see that a more humble and sincere and sober attitude toward life can be more rewarding than the notion that you have to be a movie star.


You need love and you need it bad, so say bye-bye to your cherished image of innocence. Young or old, children are not out of the question. They’ll be your teachers now. A new era of creative self-expression is dawning, in bed and out, so close your eyes and walk out on stage, even butt naked.


Individuals healthily connected to their families lead more secure, emotionally happy lives. Circumstances could alienate you from relatives, however, and you will be asked to dig deep into your childhood and heal any bonds that have been broken. A real relationship with parents is the key.


Every time Pluto, your ruling planet, changes zodiacal sign, Scorpios shed their old skin like snakes and reinvent themselves. Here you go again, leaving whole reality behind, and developing a new way of communicating. You won’t be plunked down in one spot, either. The new obsession: Sibling issues.


Not only are you still standing, but you have come through great tribulation, and have gained a sense of yourself you never had when you were yessing everyone to death. Now it can’t be just about survival. Now add prosperity to your list of priorities. Don’t get crazy, though. There are still laws.


You’ve had so many false starts, setbacks, and 180 degree turns, it’s no wonder you’ve lost faith and have had just about all the selfless service and turning-the-other-other-cheek business you can take. Now show the world that you’re more able to kick ass than you’ve ever been.

Do the glittery baubles, bangles and beads of this earthly existence seem kind of cheap and tawdry? You’re on a path of pondering the mystery of existence, why you’re here, what it’s all about, and why the hell you’re still puzzling over a stupid thing like success.


You’re probably going cuckoo between wanting a commitment to and from another person or career. If you want to be connected, however, you can’t come and go as you please, and frankly, being controlled, drives you even nuttier. You’re about to meet some pretty strange people, strange even for you.