This is the Sign of the times

Commit it to memory.

It is the symbol of Pluto in Capricorn and it's going to rule for years to come.

How could Pluto, an icy little snowball three billion miles away have an effect on lives in Russia, Santa Monica and Palestine?

I’ve been doing astrology and watching horoscopes and current events since Yoko Ono really had black hair, and I am here to tell you something is coming, something big, and its effect on America will impact the future of everybody living not only within the United States, but everywhere on the planet.

Pluto’s passage through the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius (roughly 2008-2033) will bring a total transformation to the government, the economy, and, on a personal level, to every American and every citizen of every country on Earth. That includes your kids and your grandkids.

Something is happening. Some people say it's global warming. Others will say it’s God’s wrath. Astrologers see that this is a natural progression as all three outer bodies reach the end of the Zodiac at roughly the same time.

So should we sound the gong for a call to prayer before some lusty dragon is unleashed? Should we call for all people to raise their eyes to Heaven and pray for amnesty, not just for illegal aliens, but for all beings everywhere?

Nations and corporations have horoscopes, too, just like people.


Below, take a look at just some of the "entities" that we will be looking at in coming months, because they will be most strongly affected by the transit of Pluto in Capricorn:

ARIES // Islamic Iran; Pakistan; Al Gore; Nancy Pelosi

TAURUS // Israel; NY Stock Exchange; McDonalds; Procter & Gamble; Buddah; Queen Elizabeth II

GEMINI // Jordan, The Vatican, AMEX, PHIZER, Newt Gingrich

CANCER // Afghanistan; U.S.A.; Disneyland; Rwanda, MERCK; Vietnam; George W. Bush; Donald Rumsfeld

LEO // Singapore; Jamaica; Ivory Coast; Barack Obama; Hugo Chavez

VIRGO // North Korea; Saudi Arabia; Venezuela; Opec; John McCain; Bill O'Reilly

LIBRA // Cambodia; Communist China; France's Fifth Republic; Ben and Jerry's; Citigroup; Jesse Helms; Timothy Leary

SCORPIO // Turkey; United Nations; Wal-Mart; JP Morgan Chase; Hillary Clinton; Ahmadinejad of Iran; Bill Gates

SAGITTARIUS // United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Exxon Mobil (1 Dec 1998); Ben Bernanke

CAPRICORN // Cuba; Nigeria; Russia; Syria; NAFTA; European Union; Wheel of Fortune; Super Bowl; Mel Gibson; Sean Hannity

AQUARIUS // Arab Federation; Third Reich Germany; Coca-Cola (29 Jan 1892); Japan; Dick Cheney; President Sarkozy

PISCES // Tibet; Rupert Murdoch; Mohammad (some years in Aquarius)




(As appears in Vanity Fair; December 2006)