Next Week in Review

5 July 2010


You’ve got the chops, you’ve got the energy and Heaven knows you have the stamina to handle every miserable little detail they throw at you. And at the end of the day it’s always your positive spin that not only pulls you through the momentary crisis, but inspires others as well.  Of course you’d much prefer to flee to the seaside or the mountains with loved ones, but you’ve got a job to do now and there’s no running away from it.



It’s often a stretch for a Taurus to just sit back and accept the notion that all the great spiritual forces of the Universe are behind you, guiding you toward what you should really be doing now.  Over time, however, you’ll come to see that this whole period is designed to expand your own vision of life, open new vistas of experience for you and show you that the world is a big place for you to play in. Love hurts sometimes, but you got to take the good with the bad.



As ready as you have been to take off and experience love and life in a brand new setting, (and you definitely will), there are still some loose ends that have to be tied up at home.  Family responsibilities can be at otal drag, especially when you see what waits for you out there, Besides the practical considerations, which at this time are pretty serious, there are emotional loyalties and painful good byes that have to be said before you take off.  Say good-bye like a grownup.



As explosive as some people are convinced you are, in reality you hold more in than you let out. And while that may be good for you image of world leader, it’s not all that great for your digestion. Obviously you can’t say your life is boring right now with everything coming at you from every front, but the bigissue still remain one of communication, and if you handle that properly now, your tummy will feel a lot better. Get it off your chest.



You don’t want people ever to think you are cheap or ungenerous. Such a reputation would be an awful slur on your royal nature. Being thrifty is not being cheap, and you’ve been very worried.  You’ve got plenty of work you can do now to increase your fortune and raise your whole standard of living, even in this crazy financial environment.  You just have to do it. And here’s the eal kicker: Once you are working, really working, guess what: The money actually starts rolling in.



Wow! God bless you. How in the name of all that is sacred can you keep going the way you do? It’s absolutely mind-boggling that nothing absolutely nothing stops you in your tracks when you have a job to do.  You’re scarier than the Terminator.  It’s probably just that no matter how anxious, nervous, worried, sick or crazy you get, when you are actually doing the job you know you have to do, somehow you are healed. Healing others heals yourself. 



There is so much to look forward to now. New people, new job opportunities, even new romances for those who are up for it. You’ve got some pretty heavy thoughts and preoccupations about family you don’t express to a lot of people, and you do like to show a cheerier face.  Inwardly, however, the Mars Saturn transit of your solar twelfth house can be darned painful on every level you can imagine.  FAITH NOW. FAITH NOW.



Is it ridiculously simplistic to think that if you keep your channels of communication open and keep in touch with people, all of the other goblins will go away? You are actually not on the same career course you may have once fiercely pursued, so it makes any Scorpio nervous not to know where they are headed, but know this: You have exciting work to do and a great contribution still to be made. It is simple. Keep the lines open.



Oh the ironies of life.  You get so tired of the rat race and the red ape and the whole stinking bureaucracy, that you just thinki you can throw in the towel and walk away from the whole ridiciulous political fray.  Then you find yourself plopped into the same deal where you are forced to deal with stubborn, impossible, narrow-minded, incompetent, control freaks who lack the mentality and vision to see things your way. Only thing is, they’ve still got the power.



Who has the ultimate answer to life’s big questions? Do you think there’s a lama sitting atop the Himalayas, eating his bowl of rice who  can answer your quetions now?  There is nobody but you.  That could probably make you feel lonely if you didnt think that such a responsibility gives you not just power, but the creative ability to solve problems on your own that will stand you in good stead for he rest of your life. Courage! 



Can you possibly believe how much running around you have been doing lately? It’s stimulating, even if confusing sometimes when you don’t know where your next stop is likely to be.   You are a key player in every game right now, so believe it or not, you’ve got more power than you thought ou would have at this point.  As for that same old anxiety that plagues you night and day, you’re just going to have to live with the fact that, tomorrow is everybody’s mystery.



We could go on and on aout the new financial opportunities opening up for you,and the new friends and business contacts you can be making, when frankly, you are interested in your love life and relationships whether you are sixteen or sixty. Relationships can be the great game of life or the source of constant aggravation and frustration, especially when you get mixed up in control games with people who are better at it than you. Learn to play now.