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An Astrological View Of Current Events, Politics, the World and your place in it

6 july

The summer of 2010 will be intense. The planetary configurations being formed have all of us astrology buffs wondering who’s getting crushed and who or what is doing the crushing. Some think the entire world could turn against poor, little old America, like a mother whose kids havegone through therapy with a srhink who hates mothers.The reason: The United States was “born” under the sign of Cancer, and Cancer is the outlet for all this cosmic aggression. The planets are lining up like a firing squad aimed at the first few degrees of Cancer The United States Jupiter and Venus are right smack in the line of fire, and that means the US dollar, whether the Masons secretly designed the pictures on it or not. The dollar is going to take a big hit this summer. In the long run, however, Venus and Jupiter are strong, and eventually the dollar will rise again like the blow-up clown with the and-filled bottom. It will rise again, but transformed. more tomorrow (back to fix)


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5 July 2010

Oh for the good old days...


Presidents have fired generals before.

You have to wonder, though,

the whole ROlling Stone thing

so accidental

so serendipity

so off the cuff

a few true words spill out of the mouth

of a dedicated Military man, an AMerican,

and the next thing you know


is back on the job

well, see

lights camera action War